Eurometal is engaged in guaranteeing standards of utmost excellence during every stage of the production process, from design to installation. For this reason, we have obtained important certifications that attest to the quality of our products and processes, our work safety policy and compliance with international regulations.
Our certifications are the result of a constant and long-term commitment to improving production processes and the training of personnel. Above all, they are a guarantee for our customers, who can count on a service that meets international quality and safety standards.
“The primary business purpose of our company is to achieve the complete satisfaction of our customers, providing products and services that comply with quality requirements and the highest international standards”.
Certification related to the conformity assessment of elements produced at the facility, mandatory for structural metal components used in construction work in Europe.
Quality Management System, which guarantees excellence in terms of business processes and complete customer satisfaction.
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials, which guarantee superior precision and reliability of processing procedures.
Occupational health and safety management system, which ensures a safe working environment, minimising risks and improving workers’ conditions.
Qualification for the performance of public works, proof of our ability to operate at highly competitive levels, also in complex and standardised areas.